Editorial | 1/23/2011 at 9:26 AM

Co-Op Classics Video Edition: Ninja Baseball Bat Man and Wizard of Wor

Co-Op Classics is back once again, and this time around we've got another special Video Edition!  We cover our two most recent Co-Op Classics: the goofy yet top-notch brawler Ninja Baseball Bat Man and vintage Golden Age shooter Wizard of Wor.  You'll be hard pressed to find two games that are more different, but they each have at least one thing in common: co-op!


Ninja Baseball Bat Man

Read the original Co-Op Classics article

This game has to be one of the strangest to come from the glory days of the co-op brawler back in the 90s.  Combining ninjas and baseball would seem bizarre on the surface; okay, maybe it IS bizarre, but that really adds to Ninja Baseball Bat Man's charm.  The quirkly themese carries over into the level and enemy design.  Replayability is great, as all four characters play quite differently, and have more moves than the typical brawler character does.  Highly recommended!

Wizard of Wor

Read the original Co-Op Classics article

I'm always thrilled by early examples of cooperative gameplay, and Wizard of Wor is one of the earliest.  A combination maze/shooter, the game was notable for synthesized voice and moody, atmospheric music  as well as simultaneous two-player gameplay.  A great example of the wide-open design space of the Golden Age that allowed for so much creativity and innovation in just a few short years.  Also, the game is really difficult so don't make too much fun of my non-existent Worrior skills!