Editorial | 2/26/2011 at 10:25 PM

Co-Op Classics Video Edition: Altered Beast and Joust

Once again, we've got a couple Co-Op Classics for you to peruse, this time in visual form.  Wolves, tigers, bears, and ostriches make star appearances as we dig deep into the Co-Op Classics vault: Altered Beast, a fine brawler known primarily for its Genesis port, joins Joust, a Golden Age masterpiece from the arcades.  So get ready, buzzard bait! 

Altered Beast

Read the original Co-Op Classics article

I've always had a soft spot in my heart for Altered Beast; my aunt spontaneously decided to purchase a Genesis one rainy Saturday afternoon, and Altered Beast was the pack-in (before Sonic, naturally).  A truly epic power up system, creepy enemies, and hilariously bad voice acting ("WISE FWOM YOUR GWABE!") combined for a stellar experience.  Note that the video is taken from the arcade version, which sadly lacks the worst of the voices. 



Read the original Co-Op Classics article

Joust is probably the first co-op title most people remember playing.  Sure, there were earlier examples, but they weren't nearly as memorable as the original ostrich flight simulator.  Cooperation was directly promoted on team work waves, where bonus points could be racked up if players avoided killing one another.  But to advance very far at all, you'd need to work together on every wave.  Watch out for that pterodactyl!