Narco Terror

  • Online Co-Op: 2 Players
  • Couch Co-Op: 2 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
Narco Terror-ific Launch Trailer
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Narco Terror-ific Launch Trailer


The drug trade is like a Hydra, you chop off one head, only for another two noggins to appear.  The heroes of Narco Terror plan to stop this from happening by blowing all the heads to pieces at one time.  Out now on XBLA, PSN and  PC, Narco is a 2 player local and online co-op shooter that has more guns than the Mr Universe Competition 2013.  Check out the launch trailer for your daily dose of explosions, gunfire and guitar riffs.

Co-Optimus is currently going gun crazy with this old school feeling shooter and will have a full co-op review ready in days.  Can't wait, then trailer away and don't do drugs - you never know who may burst through the wall clutching an AK-47:




