Squad 51 vs. the Flying Saucers

  • Couch Co-Op: 2 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
[E3 2014] - And That's a Wrap (Up Video)
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[E3 2014] - And That's a Wrap (Up Video)

And...we're done.

And with this post, E3 2014 has finally come to a close for Co-Optimus. Two weeks after the show ended we're finally done writing, editing, and talking about all the great games we saw in Los Angeles this year. We've put out over 20 videos with exclusive interviews with developers and hands on impressions with games. We've written over 30 hands on previews of the co-op titles we saw at the show and we've posted countless other announcements and media for your pleasure.

We sincerely hope you enjoyed the coverage and found it informative and entertaining at the same time. Here is our final video from the show, containing some highlights and impressions of what we saw and how we felt while there. Thanks again!



