Assault Android Cactus

  • Couch Co-Op: 4 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
  • + Co-Op Modes
Assault Android Cactus is Go for Launch Trailer
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Assault Android Cactus is Go for Launch Trailer

Spiky Action

Assault Android Cactus has finally left Steam Early Access and has been officially launched onto the PC.  To celebrate the release of this frantic local 4 person co-op shooter, developers Witch Beam have released a launch trailer that may just persuade you to buy the game.

Cactus contains four different modes to play including a regular story mode, an endless mode, a daily challenge and a boss rush mode.  More information on the gameplay can be found in our earlier Co-Optimus write up of the game.  

This launch trailer represents the Steam release of the game for $14.99, but pick it up before the 30th and get the game for 20% off - $11.99.  The game has also been announced for One, PS4 and Wii U, but there is not solid date for these versions apart from 2016. 


