Tom Clancy's The Division

  • Online Co-Op: 4 Players
  • + Co-Op Modes
Get Da Skillz with the new The Division Trailer
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Get Da Skillz with the new The Division Trailer

What am I doing here?

The older you get, the more you are schooled when playing online, those young whippersnappers seem to always have the edge.  Well not on Tom Clancy's The Division as a new information video has been released introducing some of the skills so that the likes of me can get to grips with the game early.

Each player has three skills trees that you can expand on; medical, technology and security.  This basically like choosing between healing people, chasing them around the map or building a massive gun turret to make the enemy's life a bullet hell.  Thankfully, as the trailer will show, there is a little more subtlety than this:

The Division is out in less than a month and has a 4 player co-op mode that will see you working together in the middle of the melee on PS4, One or PC.

