Castle Crashers

  • Online Co-Op: 4 Players
  • Couch Co-Op: 4 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
  • + Co-Op Modes
  • + Combo Co-Op
Castle Crashers Remastered Coming To PS4, Nintendo Switch
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Castle Crashers Remastered Coming To PS4, Nintendo Switch

A Long Day’s Knights

The original Castle Crashers came out 11 years ago on the Xbox 360 and immediately established itself as a game with strong personality, fun quirks, and challenging but wonderful co-op gameplay. That original game was followed up with a remaster on Xbox One in 2015 and it is that version that is now arriving on PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch sometime this year.

Along with this announcement, the official blog post from the developer, The Behemoth, lays out the additional items included in this release:

  • A multiplayer mini-game called “Back Off Barbarian” that’s frantic and weird.
  • Texture sizes of the game are five times the texture size of the original game
  • CCR runs at 60 frames per second. The original ran at 30 frames per second which feels kind of like a slideshow if you go back to it after trying this new one.
  • All previously released downloadable content like characters, weapons, and animal orbs are available in-game
  • Various performance updates and improvements to gameplay and online multiplayer

Has this remaster captured your attention, or did the alluring ‘Game 5’ mentioned in the blog capture all of your interest? (You can enjoy both, its fine) let us know in the comments below!

