Crackdown 2

  • Online Co-Op: 4 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
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Create Graffiti For Crackdown 2, Watch the Teaser Trailer
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Create Graffiti For Crackdown 2, Watch the Teaser Trailer

While you're waiting impatiently for Crackdown 2, why not contribute some great art in the process? Developer Ruffian Games is asking for artistic contributions to the mayhem in Pacific City by holding a competition to create some original graffiti artwork to be plastered on ruined walls around town. There are a few rules and regulations to be considered before starting, and we'd like to add that any Billy artwork entered earns some pretty sweet community points with us.

Contest Rules
• All graffiti art must be submitted by Wednesday, Dec. 9 to be considered
• All submissions must be original work
• Keep it clean and tasteful. Offensive material will not be considered
• Submission format: 1024 x 1024 images. Any format will be accepted, but PNG is preferred
• All submissions must be sent to

No cap as to how many winners will be chosen has been provided, but those who do earn a spot will be announced shortly after the December 9 deadline.

Show your co-op support by adding Billy to your submission, we know other sites sport their mascot for competitions all the time. Oh, and don't paint on the sides of buildings or anyone's property - they want digital artwork.

Update: SpikeTV has released a teaser trailer for the trailer that will premier during the VGAs on December 12th.  Yes you read the right, this is a trailer for a trailer.  You're gonna watch it anyway.


