Crackdown 2

  • Online Co-Op: 4 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
  • + Co-Op Modes
Crackdown 2 Vidoc #2 - Nothing is Sacred
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Crackdown 2 Vidoc #2 - Nothing is Sacred

Two Crackdown 2 videos in one day?  I've hardly recovered from the first one and now Ruffian has thrown us the second vidoc, the first one seen here.

The video is called Nothing is Sacred, and explores all the chaos that ensues in the world of Crackdown 2.  As you know nothing is sacred in Crackdown; enemies, cars, building, pedestrians and of course your friends are all in the line of fire.

 With glimpses at the new combat system, weapons, and of course plenty of explosions - there's a lot to like in the latest vidoc.  We also hear that no longer is the Agency Tower the tallest building in the land, with a new structure rising well past that of last game's acrophobic climb.

Did I mention the truck filled with rubber ducks and the agency vehicle jumping over the flaming helicopter?

Bring on July 6th.

If you do plan on pre-ordering the game here's a shot of the exclusive armor you'll get - along with the header of this article.

