Call of Duty: World at War: ZOMBIES II

  • Online Co-Op: 4 Players
  • LAN Co-Op: 4 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
Call of Duty: World at War: Zombies II Shambles onto iPhones
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Call of Duty: World at War: Zombies II Shambles onto iPhones

A new version of the four player co-op Call of Duty: ZOMBIES game has hit the iPhone and iPod Touch in Call of Duty: World at War: ZOMBIES II.  Yes that title is a mouthful.  

The new version of the game is purchasable for $9.99 and contains one map - the Shi No Numa level.  If you own the original ZOMBIES game, you can purchase the map for $4.99.  Both games are compatible with each other so you shouldn't have a problem finding other co-op gamers in either local blue-tooth or online co-op.  Shi No Numa adds in new weapons, new traps and of course - the dreaded hell hounds.

Call of Duty: World at War: Zombies II

