All Zombies Must Die!

  • Couch Co-Op: 4 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
Say Hello to the All Zombies Must Die Family
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Say Hello to the All Zombies Must Die Family

The characters have been revealed for All Zombies Must Die

Some would argue you have to be blood relatives to be a family, but what about if you are covered in blood? Surely a zombie apocalypse would bring together the most unusual group of people to create an all fighting zombie killin' team.  Doublesix have just released details about the four heroes of All Zombies Must Die, they make for an odd family and not all of them even appear to be human...

Jack, Rachel, Brian and Luxo are our intrepid foursome and can be seen in the gallery below.  If you want to know more about Jack in particular, you are in look on his facebook profile, or read about the group as a whole on their Blog.  All Zombies Must Die is a 4 player twin stick shooter that is due later this year across the playstation network, xbla and PC.



