Serious Sam 3: BFE

  • Online Co-Op: 16 Players
  • Couch Co-Op: 4 Players
  • LAN Co-Op: 16 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
The Serious Sam 3: BFE 'Blood and Gore' Trailer is Awesome in So Many Ways
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The Serious Sam 3: BFE 'Blood and Gore' Trailer is Awesome in So Many Ways

The latest Serious Sam 3: BFE video is not messing around.  Croteam knows that Sam fans want blood and guts, and this trailer gives it to us by the truckload.  There's so much juice flying around I'm beginning to wonder if the bad guys even have bones, or if they're just animated ziploc bags brimming over with red sauce.  Seriously, there's a crap ton of blood in this video.  Sam truly is the Jackson Pollock of bloodletting.  Keep a keen eye out as your senses are assaulted by death metal and gore and you may just see a quote from your favorite co-op gaming site.

Serious Sam 3: BFE will fill your monitors with gooey red chunks on November 22nd.  The PC version supports four player split screen co-op and 16 player online co-op.  A console version is expected at a later date.  Soon, I hope.

