Wanderlust: Rebirth

  • Online Co-Op: 4 Players
  • LAN Co-Op: 4 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
Wanderlust: Rebirth on Sale Until December 25
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Wanderlust: Rebirth on Sale Until December 25

Some months back, we talked about an online action-rpg coming to the PC that offered the kind of cooperative gameplay found in classic Super NES games like Secret of Mana. The game in question is Wanderlust: Rebirth and you can now hack n' slash your way through foes with friends at a fraction of the cost! Until December 25th, Team Wanderlust is selling their debut title at just half its usual going rate of $10. The savings really start to add up when you purchase mutliple copies to share between you and your fellow adventurers, as you can get four copies of the game for just $15! That's almost as good a deal as the latest indie bundle.

We'll be offering up our own impressions of the game soon enough, but if you just can't wait that long, keep an eye on the site. We may have a little holiday stocking stuffer for all you co-op loving RPG fans out there...

Source: Wanderlustgame.com

