Squad 51 vs. the Flying Saucers

  • Couch Co-Op: 2 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign

Staff Favorite Co-Op Experiences (by System) - Page 5



Nick Puleo: Streets of Rage, Golden Axe (SEGA Genesis); Dead Rising 3 (Xbox One)
Mike Katsufrakis: Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, Valkyria Chronicles 2 (PSP); Soul Sacrifice (PS Vita)
Jason Love: Super Motherload, Warframe, Child of Light (PS4)

Staff Quote on Super Motherload:

Super Motherload was one of the downloadable launch titles for the PS4 and one I needed to review. It was also one of the first co-op games I spent any significant amount of time with with my (now) wife. There was something about the casual nature of it all that appealed to both of us and, I think for her, made it easier to approach than other games we had played. It was also a welcome break from the wedding planning. - Jason

So there you have it - our staff picks for favorite co-op experiences, sorted by platform. Not all of us had a favorite for each system, but together we hit all the major ones. These are the games and experiences that keep us loving what we do. What are some of your favorite co-op experiences?


