Squad 51 vs. the Flying Saucers

  • Couch Co-Op: 2 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign

Welcome to Co-Optimus 3.0 - Page 3

User Blogs

Over the years many of our community members have written some amazing articles on co-op gaming, gaming in general, or just interesting anecdotes.  We've now created a section of Co-Optimus to allow them to do this as they please, and even be featured on our front page.  

To create a new blog entry simply click the little drop down arrow on the user menu in the top right and select the option.   From there you can use the WYSWIG editor to write your entry, give it some tags, and even related it to our games database.

Your blog is viewable in a few places, including your profile page, our front page, and in the community blogs section.  

A word of warning though - we will not tolerate any abusive behavior, obscene material, and other content we deem unacceptable for a site about cooperative gaming.  If you have any doubt if it's something you should post, chances are you shouldn't post it.  We've given the power to the community to report blog posts and have them submitted for removal.  Just have fun people!

