by Jim McLaughlin 4

Will 'Call of Duty' be the Next 'Star Wars'?

Before you get all riled up, Star Wars fans, take note: no, it will not. Of course not! But what better way to illustrate just how HUGE the Call of Duty franchise might be in the next couple of years? Both have sold ridiculously high unit counts, and if the below story is true: both are being stretched across every thinkable medium.

by Marc Allie 2
  • nintendo wii
  • couch
  • online

Spyborgs Co-Op Review

Spyborgs may look slick and modern, but beneath all the gloss, it is a very old school brawler. For gamers who enjoy beat em ups, Spyborgs is a decent experience, combining modern graphics and control schemes with older, familiar gameplay elements.

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