by Marc Allie 7
  • nintendo wii
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Old School Brawler Action Coming Your Way In Spyborgs

Last year, Spyborgs was announced.  Touted as a Saturday morning cartoon style platformer, the game quickly fell off the radar.  Now, as the game's release on September 29 approaches, we're hearing quite a bit more about Spyborgs.  Visually, the game looks much different, more realistic yet still over the top in style.  The gameplay appears more action based as well.

by Nick Puleo 17
  • xbox 360
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Depeche Mode Enjoys the Sound of Zombies in Left 4 Dead 2

There was a time when Depeche Mode enjoyed the silence.  There were no gun shots, no zombie growls, and no screams of horror when a Tank came onto the screen - but times have changed.  If you didn't notice, Rochelle, is sporting a pink Depeche Mode t-shirt in the above Left 4 Dead 2 character shot, and this is no accident.

by Katrina Pawlowski 7

"Self Co-op" Confuses Us

When you think of co-op, who comes to mind first? Friends, spouses, children, or parents are generally considered co-op partners. "Myself" should not have popped into anyone's head when asked who they co-op with. Sony however, would like to share a different idea of co-op. They've dubbed their new title Ecoshift a "Self Co-op" title. Somehow, we think the concept of cooperation eludes these PSP developers. Care to enlighten them?

by Katrina Pawlowski 8
  • xbox live arcade
  • playstation network

At This Rate, Price Of Arcade Games Will Be Over 9,000

The Xbox 360 arcade has enriched the lives of gamers since 2005, adequately priced games for anyone's enjoyment. Now, 4 years later, the inflation rate of Arcade games seems to have surpassed the housing market in percentages. 4 years doesn't seem like enough time to have gamers saying "Why back in my day, games were a nickel!" But, that's how some of us are feeling at the moment.

by Nick Puleo 3
  • playstation 3
  • xbox 360
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Find the Code to Unlock the RAGE

Most of id Software's upcoming shooter RAGE is still shrouded in mystery.  We do know the post apocalyptic shooter will contain some amazing visuals brought to you by the programming of one John Carmack.  We also know the game will contain an online cooperative mode, one that's separate from the campaign, and console gamers will be able to enjoy split screen co-op as well.  

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