by Andrew Gaskill 4
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New Brink Video Explains the Basics

Brink releases in less than two weeks.  This new video from the XP granting, genre-bending, single-, multi-, co-op player FPS is called "The Basics."  This will help prepare you for Brink's role-based combat.  It's a very informative video which covers game modes and character roles.  The three gameplay modes available are Campaign, Free Play, and Challenge Mode.  Each mode has a series of objectives.  It seems players will have to become familiar with each role to be an asset to their team.  I wonder how this will apply to players who enjoy sticking to one role, whether it's a Soldier, Operative, Medic, or Engineer.  We'll find out in the weeks ahead.  For now, check out this video, and prepare to battle for the the Ark.

by Jason Love 5
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Indie-Ana Co-Op and the Wizard's Empire

The latest Indie-Ana Co-Op entry is a rather exciting one. Not only do we have two more fun co-op titles to share with you, action-RPG Wizard's Keep and zombie shooter Undead Empire, but we are also pleased to announce a new games section here on Co-Optimus!

by Mike Katsufrakis 11
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Portal 2 Co-Op Review

It’s hard to believe it’s been almost four years since Valve released The Orange Box, and my mind is already starting to have trouble remembering what life was like before Portal was unleashed upon an unsuspecting gaming populace.

by Andrew Gaskill 0

WSJ: The PSN is Down Indefinitely *Update*

      Rather than continue with constant esoteric updates in the vein of "We're working on it," Sony has come out and stated that the PSN will be down "indefinitely" while they're "rebuilding" the service.  This is according to the Wall Street Journal and Reuters. The new...

by Jim McLaughlin 0
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The Settlers 7 Settles for 2 never bought The Settlers 7: Paths to a Kingdom for a potential co-op patch. Okay, so you never actually bought The Settlers 7 at all. Well...this news isn't for you, then. But for those of you who do own The Settlers 7 it might be interesting to know that the latest downloadable pack - DLC Pack 4 - is currently available for $4.99 and adds two player co-op support and two co-op exclusive maps, among other things. If you don't feel the urge to expand your experience for a mere fiver, then you'll be delighted to know that a free compatibility patch is available...and it provides the capability to play co-op with anyone else who's installed the patch or DLC Pack 4.

by Andrew Gaskill 0
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Is Valve Done With Single Player Games?

"Probably," says Geoff Keighley, in his new iTunes app/article: The Final Hours of Portal 2.  The multimedia piece offers a striking look at the inner workings of Valve Software, the makers of such industry staples as Half-Life, Team Fortress, Left 4 Dead, and their sequels.  The Final Hours of Portal 2 is an online article currently for sale at the iTunes store.  To access it you need only to follow the link above.  The most intriguing portion of co-op news come from a conversation Keighley heard between between Gabe Newell, Valve's founder, and Erik Johnson, the company's project manager:

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