by Andrew Gaskill 7
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Call of Duty: Black Ops Rumor: Dead Ops Arcade Co-op Mode

Last month we hinted at a new arcade game mode in the upcoming Call of Duty: Black Ops.  Two listed Achievements/Trophies refer specifically to Dead Ops Arcade.   According to, videos are surfacing for a top-down, twin-stick shooter called Dead Ops Arcade hidden in the game.  Activision is pulling videos as fast as they pop up, so instead of embedding a blank screen that says, "This video is no longer available due to a copyright claims by Activision Games, Inc.," I'll just offer you this link instead.  Here you go.  Industrious net users can probably find the videos by other means, as well.

by Andrew Gaskill 1
  • playstation 3
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  • xbox live arcade
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Bionic Commando: Rearmed 2: More Characters, More Metal, More Mustache

Nathan "Rad" Spencer will be getting some help for his upcoming mission.  Capcom has just released some details on the supporting cast of Bionic Commando: Rearmed 2.  In the first Bionic Commando: Rearmed, two players could play co-operatively through local shared screen play.  One controlled a green Nathan Spencer and the other controlled a red clone. (How evil the clone was is debatable since he was, in fact, blonde.)  They were both equally 'rad,'  and it didn't adversely affect the story at all.  Do you hear that, Treyarch?

by Nick Puleo 15
  • playstation network
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Co-Op Release Alert: Hoard

Do you like dragons?  Do you like fantasy?  Do you like co-op games that let you burn villages?  Do you like gooooooooooooooooooold?  You do?  Well good - because out now in PSN is a game just for you called Hoard.  We've been covering it for some time - it's a four player co-op action/strategy game where you control a dragon and try to amass a wealth of gold to sleep on at night in your Dragon Lair (patent pending).

by Nick Puleo 17
  • xbox 360

Kinect Hardware Review and Game Impressions

Microsoft's answer to motion control gaming is here with the Kinect. Combining a video camera with voice control and facial recognition, the Kinect looks to revolutionize the way we interact with our video games. But does it deliver on that experience, or is it merely a gimmick?

by Marc Allie 2
  • xbox 360

This Week In Co-Op: Gears of War 2 Quiz

This past weekend was a 31 times XP modifier for Gears of War 2.  Tally and Marc, determined to get in on the mega-leveling action, logged in only to discover the weekend actually ended on Sunday, not Monday, as previously expected.  Undaunted, they played Horde mode, assisted by Marc's youngest son, and had a thoroughly enjoyable time on the Normal mode of the Day One map.  Instead of a detailed report, Tally and Marc teamed up in true co-op fashion to bring you the Official Co-Optimus Gears of War Co-Op Quiz.  So grab a pencil, put all four legs of your chair on the floor,  and keep your eyes on your own paper.

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