News | 5/21/2013 at 8:56 AM

Dungeonland Adds Infinite Mode, Casual Mode and Mac Support

Plus the game is on sale this week

Dungeonland, the three player co-op hack and slash arcade game, has gotten a few updates recently - all of which - are free. The first is the game now supports Mac on Snow Leopard and higher systems and it includes SteamPlay for cross platform play. So if you buy the game once, you can play it on either platform. Speaking of buying the game, DungeonLand is on sale right now for just $5 or the four pack for just $15.

Along with the Mac support DungeonLand has received some core updates including a casual mode for "terrified little infants" and a Star System for "heroes who complete actual challenges." The Star System sounds like an achievement style update to the game. 

Finally there's a brand new Infinite mode which adds new random levels, infinite enemies, new outfits, and a lot more content. You keep going until you die, which in the case of DungeonLand, can be quite often.

All of these updates are free and available now. The game is on sale until May 27th. Be sure to check out our co-op review - it's definitely worth the $5.