News | 6/12/2013 at 7:01 AM

R.I.P.D. The Game Announced

Dead and lovin it

Some of you may be aware that a film called R.I.P.D. is out in cinemas this summer, whilst others may be aware of movie tie in games.  Slam these two concepts together and what do you get?  The 2 player online co-op R.I.P.D. The Game coming to XBLA, PSN and PC on July 16th.

Developed by Atlus for download platforms R.I.P.D is a third person shooter that can be tackled solo, or with a co-op partner.  The added benefit of a human ally will make tactical moves against the enemy far easier.  The developer has kindly produced some information about the game:

Film Authenticity - Working directly with Universal, Old School received on-going access to the movie materials so that players could experience a faithful adaptation of the unique world of R.I.P.D., including environments, enemies, weaponry, effects and humor from the film.

Partner with your Friends Online - Two-player online co-op allows wanna-be gunslingers to use teamwork as they battle their way through the game. Your enemies won’t have a chance against the right team strategy.

Over the Top Action - Gunslingers will blast, impale, explode, and arrest enemies just as the heroes do in the film.

Unique In-Game Betting System - Co-op partners can put their in-game currency where their mouth is with a new feature that allows them to bet on who’s a better R.I.P.D. officer. Measured by which player can capture the most enemies, who can stay standing the longest, and other action-packed challenges, the virtual betting system allows players to always keep the stakes high.

How the co-op elements are going to affect the game are as yet unknown, but with two players in mind for many of the game mechanics, this may be one movie tie in actually worth having a look at.