News | 4/4/2014 at 2:57 PM

Octodad: Dadliest Catch Won't Be Free Through PlayStation Plus Membership

That doesn't mean it won't be given any love!

Octodad: Dadliest Catch has been selling very well lately, with over 90,000 units sold to date. Since the projected PS4 version's release date was announced for early this April, many people are wondering about how Young Horse will be approaching their release of the game itself. Might the game be available for free via PlayStation Plus? Here's what the developer had to say on the matter.

The success of Young Horse's title will definitely keep the small team going financially for quite some time. However, this doesn't mean that they're going to be making their game free any time soon. CEO Philip Tibitoski stated to Joystiq at this year's GDC event that there have been many folks questioning whether the game would be available on PlayStation Plus as a free title, simply because it's indie and on the PS4.  He wanted to be clear that there are absolutely no plans for this sort of action to occur, but they might look into a sale of some sort for the launch date (possibly).

It's great that people are interested to play the game, but let's not get ahead of ourselves, folks. I mean, the game only released a couple of months ago. Tibitoski even stated that some people were more than happy to pay for the game twice (once for PC and now for PS4), since they support their team so much. The reviews overall were a mixed bag during the first couple weeks of launch (see ours for a taste), but he's confident that not being offered as a PlayStation Plus title will not hurt people's interest in Dadliest Catch. As they wrote on the official Young Horse blog:

"One great thing about releasing the game is that we’ve had a humongous influx of feedback and thoughts on it from critics, players, YouTubers, and spectators. The entire team has been entranced by our Steam forums, twitter feeds, and facebook page. Most devs and folks in general tend to say, “Don’t read the comments”. However, to get a good feel for how people play and enjoy Dadliest Catch we read everything we can.

As a result of that and our own realizations, we’ve recently made some significant changes to the game that we think are for the better. So far the feedback on these changes has been very positive. We want our players to know that we pay attention to what they have to say and that they can look forward to our continued support of the game. As our designers worked towards these changes, our programmers have also been finishing the PS4 version of the game. We’re so excited to get it out there soon!"

The PS4 version is to be considered as the definitive edition of the game, since Young Horses had time from the PC launch to listen to feedback from the community and apply changes as necessary (many of them recently added to the PC version). So, even though the game won't be available for free, there's still a lot of improvement to look forward to in the PS4 version, including PS Move support and possible DLC in the future.