News | 4/3/2014 at 9:59 PM

Minecraft Updates Releasing Soon for Console Versions

Look forward to both PS3 and Xbox 360 updates in the near future.

Minecraft: PlayStation 3 Edition, despite being released months after the 360 version, is staying true to keeping up with its brother. Mojang and 4J Studios recently submitted their latest PS3 update, Update 1.05, and Xbox 360 update, Title Update 15, for QA testing, and here's what players can look forward to.

Firstly, PS3 Edition will be getting a whole slew of characters skins from some well known Sony franchises, such as: Nathan Drake from Uncharted, Killzone, Heavy Rain, and Sly Cooper. Another Skin Pack called the "Battle and Beasts Pack" will also included, but with much less iconic characters from the media. Things like cavemen, koala, octopus, and more will be available. We're glad to see more options here for the PS3 community!

Secondly, according to Owen Hill of Mojang, all new gameplay tweeks and features will be brought to the table. Things like Zombie Villagers, the ability to color animal collars, Ender Chests, emeralds, pigs dropping more uncooked meat, etc. Additionally, certain bugs like the common voice chat problems players have reported having will be corrected. For a much deeper list of fixes being introduced in the update, please read the list below (via MinecraftForum):

Minecraft: Playstation 3 Edition - Patch 1.05

- Fix for voice chat issues.
- Fix for blocks reappearing after they are mined.
- Fix to random fall damage issue.
- Fix for slow chunk loading speed.
- Fix for Maps not correctly display at the game start.
- Fix for splitscreen audio issues.
- Fix for blocks not always showing damage in splitscreen.
- Fix for Enderdragon sounds.
- Changed Zombies rare loot drop to be Carrots, Potatoes or Iron Ingots.
- Fix for problems spawning Chickens, Wolves & Mooshrooms.
- Fix for problem causing first item in the quickselect bar to sometimes move to the inventory on opening the inventory.
- Changed repairing tools in the Inventory to only allow tools that are not enchanted (since you’d lose the enchantment).
- Fix for villager eggs in a dispenser not producing random professions.
- Fix for Iron Golems not stopping their attack when they’ve killed a skeleton.
- Fix for issue when players teleported while riding a pig or a minecart.
- Fix for animals climbing Cobblestone walls.
- Fix for attaching fences to cobblestone wall.
- Fix for Invisibility potion not making sheep completely invisible.
- Fix for Online ID being visible when using an invisibility potion.
- Fix for tamed wolves with invisibility becoming visible when swimming in water.
- Fix to let bonus chests spawn in pre-TU14 worlds.
- Fix to issue causing stationary network players to oscillate between two slightly different positions.
- Fix for unsynchronised audio.
- Fix for a double exit sound from the crafting and anvil menus.


Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition - Title Update 15

- Fix for blocks reappearing after they are mined.
- Fix to random fall damage issue.
- Fix for slow chunk loading speed.
- Fix for Maps not correctly display at the game start.
- Fix for splitscreen audio issues.
- Fix for blocks not always showing damage in splitscreen.
- Fix for Enderdragon sounds.
- Changed Zombies rare loot drop to be Carrots, Potatoes or Iron Ingots.
- Fix for problems spawning Chickens, Wolves & Mooshrooms.
- Fix for problem causing first item in the quickselect bar to sometimes move to the inventory on opening the inventory.
- Changed repairing tools in the Inventory to only allow tools that are not enchanted (since you’d lose the enchantment).
- Fix for villager eggs in a dispenser not producing random professions.
- Fix for Iron Golems not stopping their attack when they’ve killed a skeleton.
- Fix for issue when players teleported while riding a pig or a minecart
- Fix for animals climbing Cobblestone walls.
- Fix for attaching fences to cobblestone wall.
- Fix for Invisibility potion not making sheep completely invisible.
- Fix for gamertag being visible when using an invisibility potion.
- Fix for tamed wolves with invisibility becoming visible when swimming in water.
- Fix to let bonus chests spawn in pre-TU14 worlds.
- Fix to issue causing stationary network players to oscillate between two slightly different positions.
- Fix for unsynchronised audio.
- Fixed chatpad input on Anvil.

And lastly, we were told that the anticipated Xbox One Edition should be releasing very soon as well. Microsoft's head of the Xbox team, Phil Spencer, stated this not too long ago. Hopefully we'll get an official release date announced in the next couple of weeks.