News | 2/6/2009 at 11:57 AM

Unlockable Clothing for Avatars Coming Soon

VG247 reported this week that Rare is teasing unlockable clothing -- and possibly accessory items -- for our Xbox 360 NXE avatars in the near future.

In a manner similar to Achievements, gamers will gain access to unique garb from select game developers as they work their way through the game.

This is something that Co-Optimus users have discussed in the forums, and it's good to see that Rare is on board with gamers in general. Of course, beyond turning Banjo into an animated papercraft...when has Rare not been in synch with gamers?

Now all we need is for Valve to get on board, and we'll have Left 4 Dead lookalike avatars and infected horde premium themes before we know it!

Thanks to Kielaran for the e-mail tip!