News | 7/13/2015 at 8:00 AM

Enter the Gungeon Gets All Co-op-ey

Somebody left a ton of guns in this dungeon.

Ever wondered what a dungeon crawler would be like if there were more guns and less... duns? Linguists around the world have struggled with this for years, but now Dodge Roll is ready with the answer. Enter the Gungeon is an upcoming genre-straddling game for PC and PS4 that drops you and a friend into a dungeon and is all "K. Now shoot."

The Cult of the Undead is at it again, doing their best to keep you from fulfilling what you think is your destiny. They're protecting a treasure you need to get your hands on, you see: a gun that can kill the past. (Time traveling bullets?) It's the only way you can be at peace with your past wrongdoings, so those shockingly bullet-like cultists will just have to mosey on out of your way. Or get shot, like, all the times.

When entering said gungeon, you now get to bring a friend. The recently announced co-op campaign lets two local players put their guns together for more shooting and more cult-revenging than when flying solo. Now just one question remains: who gets to use the time traveling bullet gun at the end? Or are there, like, two or something in co-op?

Enter the Gungeon is currently scheduled for a release in 2016. Watch for it on PC via Steam and PS4.