Video | 7/21/2015 at 2:30 PM

We Cast Magic Missile in Card Hunter

Also featured are many hero deaths and shillelaghs

Long ago, in the days of yore, it all began with a man named Gary. Gary Gygax, that is, the co-designer behind the highly influential tabletop RPG, Dungeons and Dragons. The free-to-play deck building/RTS/faux tabletop game Card Hunter pays great homage to these and recently added a three player co-op mode, so what better game to check out so close to the legend's birthday.

It takes us a few minutes to figure out what we're doing and how to play this game in co-op, so here's the quick rundown of what you need to do.

Play through the first set of missions (all the level 1 adventures) to be able to play in multiplayer [Note: you may want to play through a couple of the level 2 adventures to earn some gold] Click on the "Co-Op" button in the top left Invite your friends to your game or join their group Once the party leader chooses a scenario to play, use the mouse to scroll down to choose your character Enjoy!

It's not the easiest system to get started with, but once you get rolling, the game captures a great feeling of playing D&D with your friends. Enjoy our misadventures battling some rather nasty imps!