News | 9/23/2015 at 3:23 PM

New Cars and Map Variants Coming to Rocket League

Oy, check out the new kit

One of the biggest hits this summer was Psyonix's Rocket League. A smash-up of rocket-fueled cars and soccer had a chance to go terribly awry, yet the game proved to be as fun to play as the premise hinted at. Psyonix isn't done with the title, either, as there is new DLC arriving next month.

The "Revenge of the Battle Cars" content is a nod to Psyonix's first attempt at this idea of cars and soccer, Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle Cars. In addition to being a mouthful to say, the physics and controls in the game weren't quite up to par with this latest title. That doesn't mean they can't bring back some favorites, however, as "Scarab" and "Zippy" will make their triumphant return. The DLC also adds new items, i.e., paint types, toppers, boot types, etc., with which to outfit your car.

"Revenge of the Battle Cars" will retail for $3.99 and include all content previously mentioned, but all players of the game will be able to enjoy variants of two of the arenas, Urban Station (night) and Utopia Coliseum (dusk), for free when the update arrives sometime in October.