News | 9/25/2015 at 3:00 PM

Sword Coast Legends Delayed, Head Start Three This Weekend

Pre-order on PC to check the game out early

The bad news here is that n-Space's forthcoming D&D-styled RPG, Sword Coast Legends, is getting delayed across the board. The PC, Mac, and Linux versions won't arrive until October 20, and sometime Q1 2016 for the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions. The good news (for PC players) is that if you've already pre-ordered the game or do so now, you can play it this weekend.

As a part of their "Head Start" program, n-Space will open the game up to all pre-order PC players this weekend starting today (9/25) at 2:00 PM EST and ending at midnight on Sunday, 9/27. While you won't be able to play the game in its entirety, you will have access to the character creator, DM Mode, Campaign Creation, and Dungeon Crawl. Specifically, this breaks down into the following:

Players will be able to create and play campaigns built by other community members and members of n-Space. During Head Start Two, players constructed dozens of adventures, all of which will be accessible during Head Start Three (as long as they are shared) Character creation is available, as are the DM tools. It should be noted that many aspects of the DM tools have been altered for balance and to prevent story spoilers, so not EVERYTHING will be available during these head-start programs Versions of some of the companions found in Sword Coast Legends will be available should you wish to adventure alone.

Additionally, all pre-orders will receive the "Rage of Demons" DLC for free when it gets released. The game can currently be picked up for just $34.99 via Steam.