News | 1/15/2016 at 6:30 PM

Thursday Stream Recap: Nuclear Throne Episode 2

The ascent begins in earnest.

Well, Taylor and I made a tough decision this past weekend.  If you caught any of the previous Nuclear Throne stream, you would've noticed one small detail:  that game straight-up wrecked us.  Like, "the first 10 tear-filled hours of Spelunky" wrecked us.  Once we had properly reassembled our egos, though, our mission became clear.

Ascend the Nuclear Throne.

So, last night, we began what could be quite the lengthy series to run in parallel with "Shrimpers Forever", our Tuesday stream (at 8pm EST!).  Every Thursday for the foreseeable future, we will hurl ourselves, tears and all, at this fantastic little game until we have properly defeated it.  Given that it's a roguelike, I'm sure there are plenty of secrets or side-objectives (we've tried to remain pure and not look anything up) that will grab our attention along the way.  But really, isn't that half the fun?

We hope you enjoyed the show!  Feel free to let us know in the comments if you have any requests, technical or otherwise.  No spoilers, though.

If you're interested, we'd love to see you in the Twitch chat while we play, which you can find here.  Just think, you can berate us, tell us about your day, or even share in our (scant amounts of) joy!  You can catch us at 8:30pm EST every Thursday as we progress on our journey.  In the meantime, catch up on Episode 1.

See you there!