News | 3/6/2009 at 7:55 AM

Ruffian Games Unveils First Piece of Concept Art For...

...Crackdown.  Maybe?  I'm not sure.  That big red ugly dude up there is called the Goliath and that's the only piece of concept art we have from Ruffian Studios.   Ruffian is of course the developers rumored to be working on something related to Crackdown.  The concept art doesn't exactly exude some of the things we saw in Crackdown, save perhaps the mutant people.  

I would have liked to see a few agents giving each other the high five, or maybe having a friendly game of toss the agility orb; something to show off Crackdown 1.5's co-op mode.  Perhaps it's just all a ruse to throw us off the trail, Big Red there is really just a way to get people to want to apply for a job at Ruffian.  

"Work here and you'll feel as awesome as this guy."

It just might work.