News | 4/25/2008 at 10:12 PM

1942: Joint Strike Hands-On

Fans of SHMUPs certainly know the 1942 series of games.  The game is a classic, and Capcom is reviving the franchise with an Xbox Live and Playstation Network title called 1942: Joint Strike.  The folks over at Team Xbox got their hands on the latest build, and we find out exactly why this game is drool worthy for co-op fans.  As the title implies, you'll be jointly striking down enemy planes with a buddy - and there's even special moves available only in the cooperative mode.

As players work together, they'll fill up the joint strike meter.  Once filled they can activate different special attacks to take down enemies.   There's no word on exactly what the specials are, other than a lightning attack, but with three different plane types and three different specials it sure sounds like they'll be plenty of variety in Capcom's upcoming title.  Right now, 1942: Joint Strike is set to hit both online networks sometime this summer.