News | 10/25/2017 at 11:00 AM

Final Update for Battleborn Dropped Last Week, Development Over

Some great ideas marred by a weird push into the realm of eSports

So it was that with a forum post notification of the update being available, Gearbox's Battleborn came to an end, of a sorts. The servers are still up and running, and will continue that way for at least the "foreseeable future," but content development has ended and there won't be any further balance patches.

The final content update brings with it some skins themed around Gearbox's other franchise, Borderlands. Specifically, you can acquire skins to make Alani look like Maya, Caldarius gets a Maliwan makeover, El Dragón goes Psycho, ISIC turns into that loveable Claptrap, Orendi dresses up like Tiny Tina, and Rath is Zer0. There are also a number of color skins, taunts, and "finisher boosts" added.

So long, Battleborn, maybe there will be some good lessons learned from this whole thing.