News | 3/29/2009 at 10:17 PM

Here Are Your HAWX Title Update Fixes

We are big fans of Twitter here at Co-Optimus.  The site itself has an account, and so do most of the staff, including myself.  Many game companies have latched onto using Twitter as well, and often the latest news hits Twitter first.

One example of this is Ubisoft, who just announced some of the fixes for the upcoming title update (AKA patch) for aerial arcader HAWX.  Here they are:

Xbox 360:

FIXED - Game freezes on “press START to continue” screen under certain circumstances
FIXED - Certain planes still have locked weapon packs when reaching level 40
FIXED - Leaderboards updating functionality problems
FIXED – Online problems (no search results, disconnects)


FIXED – Certain planes still have locked weapon packs when reaching level 40
FIXED – Leaderboards updating functionality problems
FIXED – Online problems (no search results, disconnects)

How appropriate that a networking tool related to birds would give you the latest info about a high flying video game!  (Yeah, that's stretching metaphors a bit too far, isn't it?)