Video | 10/9/2019 at 12:00 PM

Details Revealed for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare's Spec Ops Mode

We're still not sure if war changes, or if it never changes

As we get closer to the release of the latest Call of Duty release, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019), we're getting some more information about what the cooperative "Spec Ops" mode will entail. Specifically, what players will be doing.

In a recent blog on the official website, David Hodgson from Activision broke down each of the different game modes that will be part of Spec Ops.

Operations - these are "multi-stage experiences" that will task your team to complete a series of objectives around the city of Verdansk. How you go about completing these objectives (i.e., stealthy or loud) will be up to you and your teammates, just know that enemy combatants will respond accordingly. Matchmaking is support in this mode and there will be four Operations available at launch.
  Missions - these are "curated experiences" that will test your capabilities with certain weapons and achieving certain objectives within a set period of time. Your performance will be ranked between one and three stars. These missions can be tackled alone or with up to three other players.
  Survival (PS4 Exclusive for One Year) - as previously reported, this wave-based survival mode for four players will be a PS4 exclusive for one year.

So that's it for all the different modes that will be part of Spec Ops when Call of Duty: Modern Warfare launches a little bit later this month.