News | 10/31/2019 at 8:00 AM

Extra Life Game Day is Saturday

Let's heal kids... co-op style!

Can you think of a better way to spend your Saturday than playing co-op games all day and raising donations to heal sick kids? If not, then ditch whatever you had planned for this Saturday (11/2) and sign up for Extra Life! It's a fun way to do what you love and raise donations for a great cause. All donations to Extra Life go straight to the hospital you choose during registration.

Of course, you don't need to devote all 24 hours to gaming, and you can pick any day(s) that you want. This weekend is the official Game Day, so it's a great time to kick back, relax, and celebrate all the donations we raise for kids at Children's Miracle Network Hospitals. 

If you can't join us for this awesome event, you can always donate on one of our pages. We'd also love to have some company while we play games. We'll be streaming on our Twitch channel where you can watch us and chat with us. We'll be streaming from 7AM CDT through 6AM CST. That's right, once again Extra Life spans the end of daylight savings time, so we'll get to experience 2AM twice and be all confused about how long we've actually been playing.

So grab a controller and/or your wallet and make a difference this Saturday! Regardless of how you participate, we'd love to have you, and we are forever grateful for your contributions. Let's save some kids this weekend!