News | 1/11/2021 at 7:40 AM

Black Ops Cold War Mid-Season Update Adds New Zombies Mode

Plus plenty of general fixes for your game

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is going to receive a major update this week on January 14th, as the "mid-season update" goes live with the game across all platforms. While most of the changes are focused on the game's PvP modes with new maps, weapons, and playlists there is some good stuff for co-op fans.

Treyarch says it's "turning the intensity up to 11" in Zombies with the midseason update, a new mode called Cranked where zombies must be killed in order to keep a timer from counting down.  When the clock hits zero its death. There's no details on exactly how this will play out and what maps may support it. Along side this mode there's a variety of fixes for Zombies listed below.



Added various stability fixes.


Closed various map exploit areas. Addressed an issue that prevented the Ammo Mod from appearing on the player’s weapon immediately after using the Pack-a-Punch.

Dead Ops Arcade 3

Addressed an issue where the player could load into Dead Ops Arcade with the wrong Operator Skin. Addressed an issue where the player could be downed by walking underneath a spike trap. Addressed different effect issues occurring when transitioning from solo play. Addressed various particle effect issues.

Onslaught (PS4/PS5)

Addressed an issue where a player could lose their Bronze chalice after a private match.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War features four player online co-op or two player couch co-op in the game's zombies co-op mode. The full set of updates and enhancements are linked below.