News | 7/22/2021 at 10:29 AM

Fort Triumph Preparing to Triumph on Consoles on August 13

Console gamers will finally be able to team up and conquer maps together.

After enjoying a period of Early Access, the Steam version of All In! Games' Fort Triumph launched in full early last year. A turn-based tactics game, it won us over with its environmental activity and decent local co-op. Console gamers will soon be able to get in on the strategic fun when Fort Triumph heads to Xbox, PlayStation, and Switch in August.

Fort Triumph is a turn-based strategy game with a humorous fantasy story, procedurally generated maps, and permadeath.

The game features:

Utilize your surroundings: Every tree or boulder is a potential weapon in battle. Strategize: Choose between four factions and four classes. Build your base, gather resources and teach your characters new skills! Grow your heroes: Gain traits and cross-class skills to make your heroes unique every time you play! Explore procedurally generated maps: Fort Triumph features flexible world maps with variable locations and events. Each battle calls for a new plan. Turn up the volume: Marco Valerio Antonini, an award-winning composer, created the original in-game music.

Fort Triumph also includes local co-op for up to 8 players. Both the PlayStation and Steam versions can use platform-specific features to allow gamers to play remotely together. Don't you wish Xbox offered that same feature, fellow Xbox gamers?

The Steam version of Fort Triumph is on sale right now for $11.24, down from the full price of $24.99. Fort Triumph will arrive on Xbox, PlayStation, and Nintendo Switch on August 13, where it's expected to cost $19.99. That sounds like a win for console-owning strategy game fans!