News | 11/30/2023 at 2:00 PM

Toasterball, the Silly Sports Game, Is Now on Switch and PC

Grabs some friends (and toasters) for physics-based sports fun.

The holiday season is the perfect time for local multiplayer party games. WarioWare: Move It looks rad, but it's expensive. Why not try Toasterball instead? This affordable sports game lets two players team up to play volleyball against a team of AI toasters, and that adds up to a fair serving of fun. After first arriving on Steam, Toasterball is now out on Switch as well.

Toasterball supports up to four players (2 versus 2 human players or two humans versus two AI players). Each player picks a toaster from an international selection and then the team heads to one of a variety of courts for some ball bashing action.

The sport here is patterned after volleyball, but it works a little differently. Rather than trying to get the ball to hit the ground on the opponent's side, players must knock down a wall behind the opposing team and then hit the ball through it. The catch is that you don't freely walk around and jump like in a normal volleyball game. Instead, players move by individually controlling the two levers of the toaster. This will cause the device to flop to the side, jump, or even double jump. Each toaster also has a piece of bread that it can fire and catch, the point being to block the ball with the bread slice. It's a chaotic, wacky experience, as you'd expect from a physics-heavy game like this.

Toasterball sells for $9.99 on Switch, Steam, and Epic. The Steam version is also available in a bundle with a game called Buissons for $12.99.