News | 5/14/2009 at 2:11 PM

Star Trek D-A-C 'Kobayashi Maru' Achievement to Require Cheat Code?

Star trek D-A-C hit XBLA, PSN, and PC this week, featuring cool co-op outer space battles.  I've not had time to sit down with it yet, but I have to say the graphics, at least, look spectacular. 

Fans of Star Trek are likely familiar with the Kobayashi Maru, an unwinnable test that Kirk passed only by cheating.  It is featured in both 'Star Trek II: Wrath of Ricardo Montalban's Pects', and also the new 2009 'Star Trek' film.  It appears that there will be a Kobayashi Maru achievement in Star Trek D-A-C!

Apparently, the only way to get the achievement is to enter a cheat code.  No one knows the code as of yet.  Props to the developers for this cool Easter Egg!