News | 7/27/2009 at 6:43 PM

Find the Code to Unlock the RAGE

Most of id Software's upcoming shooter RAGE is still shrouded in mystery.  We do know the post apocalyptic shooter will contain some amazing visuals brought to you by the programming of one John Carmack.  We also know the game will contain an online cooperative mode, one that's separate from the campaign, and console gamers will be able to enjoy split screen co-op as well.  

A lot of the core gameplay concepts are still shrouded in mystery.  Vehicles and racing play an integral part, as does an inventory system.  If you are looking for more details above and beyond this though - you'll have to check the next issue of Game Informer when it hits newstands shortly.

Thankfully those of us living in the digital age can still get a fresh taste of RAGE thanks to the newly launched official site.  You'll be able to explore the wasteland, uncovering clues as to the game's story.  If you are really good you'll come across an area that asks for a secret code - find it and enter it - and you'll unlock an exclusive trailer.

So far I haven't been able to find the code - but I'm sure in true co-op fashion - a reader on the site can figure it out and post it for all to enjoy!