News | 6/11/2008 at 9:39 AM

LEGO Indiana Jones Review Roundup

LEGO Indiana Jones hit the Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Wii, DS, PS2, and PC last week.  Overall the reviews have been positive, and even though the game supports local 2-player co-op, there is still some dissapointment as to the lack of 4-player co-op, and more specifically the lack of online co-op all together. 

Gamepro - 4/5

LEGO Indiana Jones isn't without its flaws-the lack of online co-op is almost criminal...but...incredibly charming personality, challenging and creative puzzles, tons of collectibles and secret areas, great music.

Team XBox - 8.5

Another nice feature—and great for those wanting to help a kid and share the experience—is the addition of drop-in/drop-out co-op. At any time, a second player can take over the partner character to help with puzzle solving and the like.

1UP - B

It's easy to dismiss as kids' fare, but Lego Indiana Jones is a light, enjoyable action game, especially if you've got a willing friend for co-op play.

Evil Avatar - 4/5

I’m not sure what stopped Traveller’s Tales from doing online co-op like the last LEGO StarWars game had nor do I understand why there isn’t 4-player co-op... I think this will keep some people from picking up this game that play with friends online