News | 7/9/2008 at 11:11 AM

Some Official Rock Band 2 Songs, Features

As we get ever closer to Rock Band 2's release, more and more information is revealed.  This time, it's really official, straight from Harmonix, as reported by Shacknews.  The confirmed songs at the moment are:


Dream Theater - "Panic Attack" System of a Down - "Chop Suey" Foo Fighters - "Everlong" The Muffs - "Kids in America" Red Hot Chili Peppers - "Give it Away" Motorhead - "Ace of Spades" Cheap Trick - "Hello There" Elvis Costello - "Pump it Up" Journey - "Anyway You Want It" The Who - "Pinball Wizard"


Many of these songs showed up on the previously rumored list we reported on earlier this week.  Whether that confirms the legitimacy of those lists, who knows, though we find it promising to say the least.  A whole slew of new features has been announced as well, mostly tweaks to improve gameplay.  Custom set lists in quickplay, switching instruments mid-campaign, no more band leaders, and ONLINE WORLD TOUR will be included.  New features include mini-campaigns, by artist or album, for example, and most interesting, a drum trainer, a "true teaching tool" including vocabulary lessons.  (Will it help me beat Hard mode, though, that's the question!)  We hope to get some hands on experience with the game to report for you at E3!