News | 12/23/2009 at 8:13 AM

Mad Moxxi Loves her Underdome in Borderlands, We Love her Tattoo

Poor Moxxi.  She's having trouble keeping herself a husband, currently working on number four.  So she does what any sensible woman would do?  Have a gigantic fight to the death arena style tournament in an attempt to find a proper suitor.  We scored the latest sexy trailer for the upcoming Borderlands DLC, and like our friend Dr. Ned - this one oozes with style.

Maybe Moxxi isn't mad as in crazy, maybe she's just mad at men in general, and wants to watch them all die.  Over...and over...and over again.

Want to know what you are getting into?  After watching the trailer head over to Kotaku or Joystiq for some hands on time with the DLC which hits Xbox Live on December 29th and the PSN early next year.