News | 1/11/2010 at 10:23 AM

Your Monday Morning Co-Op Deals Update

The bad news?  It's Monday again.  Don't despair, there's good news to be had, too.  Three excellent video game deals are available today for fans of co-op, zombies, dragons, and precious metals.

First up, House of the Dead: Overkill for the Wii is on sale for a mere $12.99.  Kat thought highly of the game, and if a few hours of Zombie killin', lightgun style, is your thing, you might check it out.

One of my favorite XBLA titles, Magic the Gathering: Duels of the Planeswalkers is the Gold deal of the week, and has been reduced 50% to a paltry 400 MS Points.  If you've ever been curious about the mega-popular card game, it's worth a try, believe me.

Not a Gold member yet?  Amazon is running a sale on the 12 month Gold cards, discounted to $34.99.  Hope these deals brightened your Monday a little bit!