News | 7/21/2008 at 2:19 PM

1942: Joint Strike Hits XBLA and PSN This Week

Well, as we said not too long ago, the release of 1942: Joint Strike is fast approaching. And as the Gamerscore Blog says, 1942: Joint Strike is coming out this week. It is one of the XBLA releases of the week, but it will also find its way to the PlayStation Network. The WWII-themed co-op shooter is all nice and updated in hi-def 3D glory, which we've detailed in the past. The game will set you back 800 Microsoft Points (on XBLA), which translates to $9.99 for the PlayStation Network version. So, if you want a nice spiffy shooter (that still stays true to the 2D roots) this could be the game for you.