News | 7/23/2008 at 9:28 AM

Reminder: Marvel Ultimate Alliance Xbox Live Co-Op Night Tomorrow

Just a friendly reminder that tomorrow night is our next official Xbox Live Co-Op Night.  We'll be playing Marvel Ultimate Alliance which supports 4 player co-op.   So dust off your copies of the game and join us online as we beat up some evil villains.

A lot of people ask us what exactly Co-Op Night is, and how they can join.  There are a few ways to participate.  The first is simply get online and use Xbox Live's match making tools to find other co-op gamers.  The goal of co-op night is to get as many people as possible online at the same time looking to play co-op.  The second way to get involved is to send a friend invite to co optimus on Xbox Live and utilize the friends of friends feature to find other people playing.   So yeah...that's about it.  

I'll see you online...oh...and I call Colossus.

Also, be sure to Digg this to get the word out.