News | 3/4/2010 at 8:10 AM

More Borderlands DLC Planned

Gearbox are hoping that you are not bored of Borderlands yet as they are planning more DLC after the three pieces made available so far.  The recently released The Secret Armory of General Knox  upped the level cap and has received critical praise.  We at Co-Optimus felt that it was perhaps the first piece of DLC for the game that actually felt like a true expansion.  It must be selling well as Take Two CEO, Ben Feder, has been quoted as saying that they, "will continue to support the game with added content".  No news yet of what this will entail, but with the DLC getting better each time, Borderlands is a game that continues to improve.  A retail version of the early DLC is coming to the shelves soon and with over three million copies of the game sold since release there are plenty of people out there who might be interested.  Let us hope that this influx of DLC is an indication that many more future co-op games will be supported after their initial release date.