News | 6/4/2010 at 8:13 AM

Snoopy Flying Ace takes to the Co-Op Skies

A game that slipped under our radar this week is Snoopy Flying Ace for the Xbox Live Arcade.  This arcade flight game featuring the famous Peanuts characters contains a two player co-op mode where players can complete various challenges together in both online and offline co-op.

Players can choose to play as Snoopy, Charlie Brown, Lucy or any of the famous characters or if they prefer, you can import your avatar into the game.  Fans of the series will remember Snoopy imagining his dog house as an early bi-plane fighter, this game brings those day dreams into reality.  The reviews and feedback we've seen around the net say this game is an absolute blast, so the addition of some co-op makes it even better.

Has anyone checked out the co-op in this yet?  What are your thoughts?