News | 6/11/2010 at 3:21 PM

Our Weekend in Gaming - E3 2010 Edition

Well, holeeeey crap!  The Electronic Entertainment Expo is next week, that's E3 for short, and Co-Optimus is going to cover it.  Rather, Jason and I are there with the rest of the team manning the fort.  Festivities kick off Sunday evening with a Natal event - so stay tuned.  So while some of the staff is gaming what little they can, most is gearing up to bring you guys great co-op exclusive news!

Nick "bapenguin" Puleo - "No gaming for me this weekend, instead it's traveling to Los Angeles for E3 2010!"

Marc "DjinniMan" Allie - "Big family wedding for us this weekend, but I'm looking to get some Green Day Rock Band in whenever I can."

Mike "pheriannath" Katsufrakis - "If you follow my twitter, you'll have seen my futile effort to procure Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, but come hell or high water I WILL be playing it this weekend!"

Jim "txshurricane" McLaughlin - "I've got a buddy coming over for some couch co-op on Saturday. We'll probably hit Modern Warfare 2 Spec Ops, and maybe Gears of War 2. Filling out the blank areas is Red Dead Redemption."

Katrina "ShadokatRegn" Pawlowski - "I'm planning on a bit of Splinter Cell: Conviction co-op, as well as Metal Gear Solid: Peacewalker while the team preps for E3."

Jason "OrigamiPanther" Love - "LA here I come!"

Sam "Samoza" Tyler - "I'm off to sunny Barcelona for a holiday, but before I go I may be able to get online and continue to work my way through Lost Planet 2 again with a friend."

Tally "xelissa" Callahan - "Hitting up some L4D2 with OrigamiPanther tonight. As for the rest of the weekend, probably some Eternal Sonata and maybe trying to catch up on a mountain of single-player games I still have to finish."

What are your gaming plans?