News | 6/30/2010 at 6:42 PM

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 Makes A Temporary Comeback

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 has faced a lot of issues since its release. Fans annoyed with exclusive content, glitches that compromised that exclusive content, then the DLC content and all of the data was pulled from Xbox LIVE and PSN. Neither system even had Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 listed as a game anymore, but now that has changed until the end of 2010.

We made our case (your fan support helped), begged, pleaded, cajoled and didn’t give up and were able to convince the ‘powers that be’ to bring MUA2 DLC back!!

However, there is a catch.

And this is important - I want to make sure this is super clear from the beginning - all good things must come to an end and we are only allowed to have the MUA2 DLC back up through the end of 2010. So there will be about a 6 month window to download the content again, and then it will be gone for good. It’s not a strategy and not our choice, this is just what is allowed so I’m giving you all the advance notice I can.

If you've got the game, but are on the fence about the DLC - you really get a last chance to either buy it, or say goodbye to the exclusive characters for good. As much as I dislike to admit it, I will be getting this pack, simply because I'm a fan of the series. The choice is yours and we thought you deserve to know when your Super Heroes disappear like this.